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The book of Daniel is key to the entire Old Testament prophetic
revelation. Who better to help you understand Daniel's stories,
prophecies, and dreamsand give you a brighter hope for things to
comethan John F. Walvoord, one of evangelicalism's most prominent
leaders, and Charles Dyer, a Bible professor and expert on Israel? In
this second work of a renewed series of commentaries, Dr. Walvoord
addresses alleged historical inaccuracies and considers past and future
fulfillments of specific prophecies. At key points different views and
approaches to interpretation are explored. Walvoord devotes special
attention to textual and doctrinal issues while avoiding technical
language.Refined, updated with the English Standard Version (ESV), and
streamlined, this classic text is set to help you understand and
interpret the book of Daniel and gain a better grasp of what the future
may bring.
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